The summer season is just weeks away. Yet six months after Hurricane Sandy, some beach communities are still rebuilding. For shoreline businesses, the season drives the bulk of their annual revenue. Some that aren’t ready are turning to modular construction to open on time.
Modular Facilities Heading to the Shore
For New Yorkers, the push includes modular facilities for restrooms, lifeguard stations and maintenance offices. Officials say the modular plan is the most cost- and time-efficient way to prepare the boardwalk and shoreline communities. New York’s $100 million investment in modular will pay for itself many times over when its seaside resorts open on time.
Rebuilding Communities
The damage goes beyond tourism. Entire communities are still rebuilding after the storm. One school used temporary modular classrooms to reopen a few weeks after flooding. Hear the Robert L. Craig Elementary principal’s story about rebuilding quickly.
The Scope of the Damage
Recent estimates put a nearly $72 billion price tag on rebuilding affected areas of New York and New Jersey. Even with Federal funding, both states will be hard-pressed to rebuild to pre-storm levels any time soon. For retailers and residents, modular construction offers the fastest solution.
Expect New Jersey to follow New York’s lead, as officials look to accelerate their recovery and revitalize a coastal environment that generates up to $38 billion annually in tourism revenue.
Remember, hurricane season begins again on June 1. Companies and individuals should have a disaster plan in place. Here are some helpful tips and resources for getting ready before and after the next storm.